Introduction Purewish Foundation Uganda is dedicated to creating a safe and protective environment for all children who participate in our programs and activities. This Child Protection Policy outlines our commitment to safeguarding children from all forms of abuse, exploitation, and harm. It applies to all staff, volunteers, partners, and stakeholders associated with the organization. As a child rights organization, Purewish Foundation Uganda, is committed to the principle that all children, regardless of all dimensions and layers of discrimination, are entitled to their rights as defined by the United Nations Convention of Child Rights (UNCRC) Charter and the Constitution of Uganda, including an equal right to protection from all kinds of abuse, exploitation, violence and neglect. Purewish Foundation Uganda’s Child Protection Policy stands for its commitment and responsibilities towards safeguarding children and to protect them from all kinds of harm and abuse, keeping the best interest of the child in perspective. It also makes clear that any form of harm and abuse of children is unacceptable and non[1]negotiable to Purewish Foundation Uganda, and any violation of the policy, whether intentional or unintentional, will invite appropriate disciplinary action and judicial procedures as per this policy, other related policies of the organization and law of the land.

This Finance Policy of Purewish Foundation Uganda outlines the principles, guidelines, and procedures that govern the organization's financial management to ensure transparency, accountability, and sound financial practices. It aims to support the effective and efficient use of resources while maintaining compliance with relevant laws and regulations.